Director, Office of American Indian Programs at IU Indianapolis
Charmayne Champion-Shaw has a passion for teaching students about diversity and social justice. As Director of the IU Indianapolis Office of American Indian Programs, she advocates for Native American faculty, staff, and students. Champion-Shaw also facilitates a greater understanding for Native American culture and identity. She teaches classes as a faculty member within the Department of Communications, concentrating on Native American Studies. Her courses focus on the social and political contributions that Native Americans make in today's world. In 2008, Champion-Shaw was responsible for helping to plan Indiana's first Indian Education Conference.
With her experience in advocacy and social justice, Champion-Shaw is an ideal proponent of faculty and staff concerns. She has served as co-chairman of the IU Indianapolis Native American Faculty and Staff Council since 2008. She is responsible for creating a budget, facilitating professional development opportunities, organizing meetings, and communicating pertinent information to Native American members of the IU Indianapolis faculty and staff. Champion-Shaw is also a liaison for the Department of Communication Studies to the IU Indianapolis Associate Faculty Council. From 2007-2010, she served as a member of the IU Indianapolis Women's Advisory Council.
As President of the Indiana Native American Education & Cultural Association, Champion-Shaw shares her knowledge of Native American culture statewide. She is also an active member of the Indiana Diversity Women's Network, an advocacy group for women of color. Champion-Shaw serves as the group's education coordinator. She has also served as an advisor for the Indiana Native American Affairs Indian Commission Outreach Committee for Education.
Champion-Shaw holds an M.A. in Applied Communication from the IU School of Liberal Arts at IU Indianapolis. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Social Justice through the IU School of Social Work. Champion-Shaw is the recipient of the Key Contributor Award from Indiana Native American Business Association (2009-10), the Sarah Winnemucca Achievement Award from IU Indianapolis (2008-9), the Outstanding Female Student Leader of the Year from the IU Indianapolis Office for Women (2006), the Diversity Action Committee Literacy Award from Purdue University (2006-7), the Plater Medallion Civic Engagement Award from IU Indianapolis (2006-7), and the Anna G. Melodia Building Community Award from IU Indianapolis USG (2006-7).
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