
Office for Women Archive

History of Women at IU Indianapolis 
Women faculty, staff and students have been a vital part of the life of IU Indianapolis since its inception in 1969.  They have been partners and leaders in the development of IU Indianapolis as a modern urban university. The Office for Women has begun writing a document: “Milestones in the History of Women at IU Indianapolis” to preserve a record of women’s contributions to this campus. It is a work in progress, so feel free to send your ideas, recollections, facts, and suggestions to us at ude[dot]ui[at]evorgsk. To view the current edition, click here: Milestones in the History of Women at IU Indianapolis.

Task Force on the Status of Women Faculty 
The establishment of this task force in 1994 was the starting point for the discussion of the status of women at IU Indianapolis. In August 1994, Kathleen Warfel, President of the IU Indianapolis Faculty Council and William Plater, Executive Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Faculties, established this group and defined it’s charge. Chaired by Barbara Wilcox (8/94 to 10/95) and Rebecca Porter (11/95 to 5/96), the task force completed its report in May 1996 and recommended the establishment of the Office for Women and the creation of a Commission on Women.

Executive Summary Task Force Report