Associate Proffessor of Chemistry, 1967-1991

Patricia Boaz, Ph.D. forged new paths in higher education administration for women at IU Indianapolis. During the 1980s, Boaz became one of the first female associate deans in the School of Science and later in IU Indianapolis's central administration. A member of the faculty of the Department of Chemistry since the beginnings of IU Indianapolis, Boaz made many lasting contributions to the development of the campus.
When IU Indianapolis was founded in 1969, Boaz wrote the requirements for three of the school's chemistry degrees. While serving as Associate Dean of the School of Science, Boaz instituted a highly regarded lecture series for gifted high school students titled "Six Saturdays in Science." She also established promotion and tenure criteria and policies and received a $250,000 grant to establish the School of Science Learning Center.
Boaz loved to use her time and energy to help students and, after serving a term as Associate Dean of the Faculties, took a two year appointment as Dean of Student Affairs. She was charged with creating five new offices to help better serve the needs of IU Indianapolis students - the offices of student information systems, disabled student services, minority student services, orientation and information services, and student research. Boaz also oversaw the disciplinary appeals process for all IU Indianapolis students. Boaz's efforts were highly regarded and led IU President Ryan to appoint Boaz to lead a task force on student rights and responsibilities.
Boaz retired from IU Indianapolis in 1991 and died in 1993. The Department of Chemistry honors her by presenting a student with the annual Patricia A. Boaz Award. One of the student housing complexes along the canal is also named in her honor.
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