Director, Program in Spanish

Rosa Tezanos-Pinto, Ph.D. is a highly respected professor, administrator, and internationally renowned researcher in the field of Latin American literature and culture. Since she joined the faculty of the Department of World Languages and Cultures at IU Indianapolis in 2006, Dr. Tezanos-Pinto has distinguished herself for her research on Latin American literature, culture, and women writers. She has authored or co-authored seven books and over forty-five articles and book chapters. She is the editor of RANLE, Revista de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española and Alba de América. In 2012, Dr. Tezanos-Pinto was invited to edit a special issue on human rights by the renowned Latin American journal Confluencia.
After successfully developing a proposal for a minor and undergraduate certificate in Latino studies, Dr. Tezanos-Pinto became the first director of IU Indianapolis's new program in Latino Studies in 2012.. She has created local service learning opportunities with the Latino community of Indianapolis and worked to promote multiculturalism and the study of race issues through the creation of service-oriented programs at IU Indianapolis and Study Abroad programs in the Dominican Republic and Cuba.
Dr. Tezanos-Pinto’s research has been recognized with such notable awards as the Middle Atlantic Council on Latin American Studies' Harold Eugene Davis Prize for the best article in 2010-2011 and the Order of the Discoverers Award by the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society. In 2011, she was selected as a member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language. Among her most important teaching recognitions, Dr. Tezanos-Pinto received a 2013 Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Teaching, Leadership, and Service by the Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association. She also won the 2013 Teacher of the Year Award by the Indiana Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, and has received several Indiana University Trustees Teaching Awards. In 2014 Dr. Tezanos-Pinto was the recipient of the Joseph T. Taylor Excellence in Diversity Award.
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